Unlocking 'special features' in the programmable terminal

Certain devices are equipped with certain 'special features', which must be unlocked (..for a moderate fee..) before you can use them.

If you already ordered the device with those features unlocked (possibly as a "bundle"), the manufacturer (MKT Systemtechnik) has already unlocked those features before shipping, any you can safely ignore the rest of this document.

But if you decided you need one of the special features listed below after buying the device, please contact the manufacturer via Email . Don't forget to mention the device's serial number, which is displayed for a short time during bootup, or can be read through the terminal's System Menu .

We apologize in advance for any inconvience caused by the unlock procedure, but the company (MKT) cannot offer all these new features for free. On the other hand, customers who don't need them are not forced to pay for something which they will never need.

To find out which special features are available for a certain device, check the product's catalog on the MKT website, or -probably easier- check the Feature Matrix .

The following options may be available :

  1. CAN-Logger - Option "CAN-Logger"
    Short parameter name in the device setup: "Logger".
    Article number for ordering this option: 15011 .

  2. CAN-Snooper - Option "CAN-Snooper"
    Short parameter name in the device setup: "Snooper".
    Article number for ordering this option: 15012 .

  3. GPS-Decoder GPS-Decoder (for NMEA-messages received from an external GPS device aka "GPS-Mouse") - Option "GPS"
    Short parameter name in the device setup: "Logger".
    Article number for ordering this option: 15014 .
    Note: In the MKT-View V, the GPS decoder / NMEA parser does not need to be unlocked.

  4. Audio-Recorder / Wave-Audio-Playback : Option "Audio Recorder and -Player"
    Short parameter name in the device setup: "AUDIO".
    Article number for ordering this option: 15013 .
    Note: In the MKT-View V, the Wave file recorder / player doesn't need to be unlocked.

  5. Transmission of CAN-signals, with message layouts defined in a database for CAN (*.dbc)
    Short parameter name in the device setup: "CdbTX" (CAN-DB Transmit).
    Article number for ordering this option: 15016 .
      Note for purchasing / ordering: This option is not necessary
      if the device (MKT-View, etc) shall act as 'display only', because the RECEPTION
      and decoding of signals to show them on the display is always possible.
      Also, the low-level transmission of messages via command 'ctx' is always possible.
    Note: In the MKT-View V, this option doesn't need to be unlocked.

  6. Extendend functions in the script language (like CAN reception / transmission, file I/O, serial ports, frequency- and event counter for digital inputs, etc)
    Short parameter name in the device setup: "Script=Extended".
    Article number for ordering this option: 15017 .

Which of the features has already been unlocked in a particular devices is displayed for a short while during bootup, or can be checked in the device setup.

Options : Logger=YES Snooper=YES GPS=no
          AUDIO=no CdbTX=no

which means:
only the CAN-Logger and the CAN-Snooper have been unlocked yet, but nothing else.
The script language only supports the standard set of functions, but not the extensions by MKT / for MKT.

As soon as you have received the unlock code from the manufacturer or distributor, you can enter it in the terminal's system menu. Please take care that an individual unlock code is only valid for an individual device (with an individual serial number). So never enter an unlock code in a device with the wrong serial number - this may(!) cause the loss of all previously unlocked features (as "punishment" for trying to hack the device).

The method of entering the unlock code depends on the hardware, because there are devices with a keyboard, or without a keyboard but a touchscreen, or with a rotary encoder (button), etc. You will find details about how to enter and operate the system menu in the description of the system menu (PDF) . Here just the basic principle:

  1. Invoke the terminal's system menu (often by pressing F2 and F2 simultaneously, or by pressing CTRL-S in a telnet session).
  2. Use the cursor keys, rotary knob, touchscreen, TELNET or whatever to navigate to the menu item "System Setup / UNLOCK", and enter it.
  3. In the "Setup Menu", select the function "Enter UNLOCK Code" (not "Enter Password" ... you don't need a password to enter an unlock code).
  4. Enter the five-digit, decimal unlock code (possibly using the virtual keyboard, at least for the MKT-View II).
  5. Confirm by pressing the ENTER key (or whatever is used to replace that key)
  6. The terminal's firmware will now check the unlock code, shows the new state of the unlockable features (see example above),
    and reports:
    'Unlockable features have been updated. Press any key.'
    Here, for example, an MKT-View II with all features unlocked :
  7. Press any key (you won't find an "any"-key anywhere on the keyboard ;-)

Recent changes:
2025-02: Added notes about less 'features to unlock' in the MKT-View V .
2015-06: Removed the locking/unlocking of the 'RGB LEDs' .
2011-08: Added the notes on unlockable features in the script language .
2009-11: Created documents 'unlock_49.htm' and 'unlock_01.htm' .

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