(only available for certain terminals with CANopen transfer protocols)
This document describes how to read and write values through an SDO channel, without using a variable connected to a certain CANopen object (index and subindex).
Note: Not all terminalls support these functions - only devices with CANopen since 2004 (see Feature Matrix) !
See also:
Programmable terminals with CANopen protocol (since 2004) can read or write
simple values in a remote device via SDO channel, without the need
to use a specially configured variable
for it.
The following explanation applies only to the display interpreter.
For devices with the newer script language (which uses a compiler, not an interpreter),
similar commands/function may be available, but they must be prefixed by 'cop.'
(short for 'CANopen') to avoid namespace pollution.
sdo( [ #SDO-client-index , ] < index >.< subindex> [ , data type ] [ , default
value ] )
@X = sdo(0x6000.1, U8)
: rem READ a value from a remote devicesdo(0x6200.1, U8)= X+1
: rem WRITE a value to a remote device
The specification of the SDO client index is optional. When not specified, the first SDO client will be used (with index zero). Thus the following commands have the same effect:
sdo(#0,0x6411.04,I16) = 29490 : REM set 4th analog output to +9 V sdo( 0x6411.04 , I16) = 29490 : REM set the same output, using the same SDO client
You should specify the data type of the object in the remote device, otherwise the value may be misinterpreted (especially for floating point or 4-byte-integer). Available data types are:
Note: The first name is the offical name by CiA, the second is a short form which can be used alternatively.
For very special cases, you can also specify a default value, which will be returned by the function if the access fails.
Here, the value of 'Temp' won't change if the SDO-read-access fails (otherwise 'Temp' would be set to 0x8001EEEE, which is the internal 32-bit code for "illegal value").
In 2011-07-13, yet another problem with CANopen occurred when the firmware
in a certain CANopen device (slave) had terribly slow SDO accesses.
To avoid problems with hard-coded SDO timeout values (on the SDO client side),
the following interpreter command was implemented in the display terminal firmware.
sdo.timeout_ms = new_timeout_in_milliseconds
sdo.timeout_ms = 5000 : REM set SDO timeout to 5 seconds
In a well-behaving terminal application, you should check if the SDO transfers are successfull, and inform the user if there is a problem.
The reason for such an SDO communication problem may be as simple as an unplugged CAN bus cable, but it may be more complicated. CANopen defines so-called "abort codes" which are listed below. There is an interpreter function in the terminal firmware which allows you to retrieve the last abort code, to write your own error event handler (an example follows later).
sdo.abort.i (or sdo.abort.index)
sdo.abort.s (or sdo.abort.subindex)
The following codes may be returned by the function "sdo.abort". Zero means "no SDO abort" (no error recently).
Some of these codes are defined by CANopen, some are specific to the CANopen
implementation in the terminal.
Please note: (*) Due to problems in a certain network, abort code 0x05040000
will only be returned by the "sdo.abort" function if three SDO-communication
timeouts occurred in a row. This reduces the chance of false alarms if the
network suffers from an occasional loss of CAN messages. All other abort
codes will be returned "immediately", though.
SDO Abort Code | Meaning |
0x00000000 | no abort, no SDO error (yet) - TERMINAL SPECIFIC ! |
0x05030000 | SDO toggle bit error (protocol violation) |
0x05040000 | SDO communication timeout (*) |
0x05040001 | unknown SDO command specified (protocol incompatibility) |
0x05040002 | invalid SDO block size |
0x05040003 | invalid sequence number |
0x05040004 | CRC error (cyclic redundancy code, during block transfer) |
0x05040005 | out of memory |
0x06010000 | unsupported access |
0x06010001 | tried to read a WRITE-ONLY object |
0x06010002 | tried to write a READ-ONLY object |
0x06020000 | object does not exist (in the CANopen object dictionary) |
0x06040041 | object cannot be mapped (into a PDO) |
0x06040042 | PDO length exceeded (when trying to map an object) |
0x06040043 | general parameter incompatibililty |
0x06040047 | general internal incompatibility |
0x06060000 | access failed due to hardware error |
0x06070010 | data type and length code do not match |
0x06070012 | data type problem, length code is too high |
0x06070013 | data type problem, length code is too low |
0x06090011 | subindex does not exist |
0x06090030 | value range exceeded |
0x06090031 | value range exceeded, too high |
0x06090032 | value range exceeded, too low |
0x06090036 | maximum value is less than minimum value |
0x08000000 | general error |
0x08000020 | data could not be transferred or stored |
0x08000021 | data could not be transferred due to "local control" |
0x08000022 | data could not be transferred due to "device state" |
0x08000023 | object dictionary does not exist |
See also: Retrieve SDO-Abort-Codes in the script .
File: ..?..\uptwin1\help\sdocm_01.htm
Author: W.Büscher, MKT Systemtechnik
Last modified: 2014-05-07 (ISO8601, YYYY-MM-DD)