available for certain terminals with CANopen transfer protocols)
This document describes how to read and write values in the terminal's "own"
object dictionary (OBD), using an interpreter command.
See also:
Programmable terminals with CANopen protocol (since 2004) can access their
"own" object dictionary with an interpreter command, similar as the access
to a remote object dictionary (OBD) through a service data channel (SDO).
The following explanation applies only to the display interpreter.
For devices with the newer script language (which uses a compiler, not an interpreter),
similar commands/function may be available, but they must be prefixed by 'cop.'
(short for 'CANopen') to avoid namespace pollution.
obd( < index >.< subindex> [ , data type ] )
@X = obd(0x6000.1, U8)
: rem READ a value from the own OBDobd(0x6200.1, U8)= X+1
: rem WRITE a value to the own OBD
In contrast to the similar "sdo"-access, you don't have to specify the data type (except for a few special cases), because the terminal firmware (usually) knows the data types in its own object dictionary.
If an obd-access function fails, the value of "obd.coperr" may be set to an error code which is specific to the CANopen-implementation used in the terminal. More on that in the next chapter.
See also: 'Variable' objects in the terminal's OD (Index 0x4001 to 0x4009) .
If the CANopen protocol stack detects an error (while accessing the own -local- object dictionary), the interpreter saves the error code as "obd.coperr". It can be read like a variable. Some of these error codes are shown below. The full set of error codes can be found in the CANopen slave documentation by SysTec.
Error Symbol | Hex value | Meaning / Remarks |
kCopSuccessful | 0x0000 | no error/successful run |
kCopIllegalInstance | 0x0001 | the called instance does not exist |
kCopInvalidInstanceParam | 0x0002 | ? |
kCopNoFreeInstance | 0x0003 | AddInstance was called but no free instance is available |
kCopWrongSignature | 0x0004 | wrong signature while writing to object 0x1010 or 0x1011 |
kCopUnsupportedBtrTable | 0x0005 | unsupported baudrate table was configured with LSS service |
kCopUnsupportedBtrIndex | 0x0006 | unsupported baudrate index was configured with LSS service |
kCopInvalidNodeId | 0x0007 | CANopen was initialized with an invalid NodeId |
kCopNoResource | 0x0008 | resource could not be created (Windows, PxROS, ...) |
kCopInvalidParam | 0x0009 | generic error code for an invalid param |
kCopCdrvNoMsg | 0x0010 | no CAN message was received |
kCopCdrvMsgHigh | 0x0011 | CAN message with high priority was received |
kCopCdrvMsgLow | 0x0012 | CAN message with low priority was received |
kCopCdrvInitError | 0x0013 | |
kCopCdrvNoFreeChannel | 0x0014 | CAN controller has not a free channel |
... |
kCopCobNoFreeEntry | 0x0020 | no free entry in RX- or TX-COB table |
kCopCobAlreadyExist | 0x0021 | COB-ID already exists in RX- resp. TX-COB table |
kCopCobIllegalHdl | 0x0022 | illegal handle for a COB was assigned |
kCopCobIllegalCanId | 0x0023 | COB-ID is not allowed (like 0x000 is reserved for NMT, ...) |
kCopCobInvalidCanId | 0x0024 | COB-ID is switched off |
kCopCobCdrvStateSet | 0x0025 | at least one bit of CAN driver state is set |
kCopCobNoFreeEntryHighBuf | 0x0026 | no free entry in high priotity RX- or TX-COB table |
kCopCobOwnId | 0x0027 | COB-ID already exists in own module which calls CobDefine() or CobCheck() |
kCopCobWrongCobType | 0x0028 | e.g. a COB which was definded as Rx-Message should be sent |
kCopObdIllegalPart | 0x0030 | unknown OD part |
kCopObdIndexNotExist | 0x0031 | object index does not exist in OD |
kCopObdSubindexNotExist | 0x0032 | subindex does not exist in object index |
kCopObdReadViolation | 0x0033 | read access to a write-only object |
kCopObdWriteViolation | 0x0034 | write access to a read-only object |
kCopObdAccessViolation | 0x0035 | access not allowed |
kCopObdUnknownObjectType | 0x0036 | object type not defined/known |
kCopObdVarEntryNotExist | 0x0037 | object does not contain VarEntry structure |
kCopObdValueToLow | 0x0038 | value to write to an object is to low |
kCopObdValueToHigh | 0x0039 | value to write to an object is to high |
kCopObdValueLengthError | 0x003A | value to write is to long or to short |
kCopObdIllegalFloat | 0x003B | illegal float variable |
kCopObdWrongOdBuilderKey | 0x003F | OD was generated with demo version of tool ODBuilder |
kCopNmtUnknownCommand | 0x0040 | unknown NMT command |
kCopNmtLifeguardVsHeartbeat | 0x0041 | one of life guarding or heartbeat was configured but the other one is already configured |
kCopNmtBootupNotPossible | 0x0042 | bootup message can not be sent in this NMT state |
kCopNmtHbcWrongCfg | 0x0043 | configuration of Heartbeat Consumer was wrong |
kCopNmtmSlaveNodeExist | 0x0044 | NMT slave node can not be added because it does already exist |
kCopNmtmNoFreeSlaveEntry | 0x0045 | no free entry to add a new NMT slave node |
kCopNmtmSlaveEntryNotExist | 0x0046 | NMT slave node was never added |
kCopNmtStateError | 0x0047 | error has occured during NMT state machine |
kCopNmtmInvalidSlaveNodeId | 0x0048 | |
kCopSdocInitError | 0x0050 | initialising or changing parameter not successful |
kCopSdocInvalidParam | 0x0051 | one of the function parameters is invalid |
kCopSdocClientNotExist | 0x0052 | selected SDO client does not exist |
kCopSdocBusy | 0x0053 | SDO client is already busy |
kCopSdocTransferError | 0x0054 | an error occured during SDO transfer |
kCopSdocWrongMultiplexor | 0x0055 | an SDO response was received with wrong multiplexor |
kCopSdocEntryAlreadyDefined | 0x0056 | client entry is already defined |
kCopSdocNoFreeEntry | 0x0057 | no free client entry found in SDO server table |
kCopSdocConfigOrder | 0x0058 | |
kCopSdosInitError | 0x0060 | initialising or changing parameter not successful |
kCopSdosServerNotExist | 0x0061 | selected SDO server does not exist |
kCopSdosBusy | 0x0062 | SDO server is already busy |
kCopSdosSizeMismatch | 0x0063 | |
kCopSdosNoFreeEntry | 0x0064 | no free server entry found in SDO server table |
kCopSdosEntryAlreadyDefined | 0x0065 | server entry is already defined |
kCopSdosConfigOrder | 0x0066 | |
kCopSdosWrongDlc | 0x0067 | |
kCopSdosWrongCcs | 0x0068 | |
kCopPdoNotExist | 0x0070 | selected PDO does not exist |
kCopPdoLengthExceeded | 0x0071 | length of PDO mapping exceedes 64 bis |
0x0072 | configured PDO granularity is not equal to supported granularity |
kCopPdoInitError | 0x0073 | error during initialisation of PDO module |
kCopPdoErrorPdoEncode | 0x0074 | error during encoding a PDO |
kCopPdoErrorPdoDecode | 0x0075 | error during decoding a PDO |
kCopPdoErrorSend | 0x0076 | error during sending a PDO |
0x0077 | the SYNC window runs out during sending SYNC-PDOs |
kCopPdoErrorMapp | 0x0078 | invalid PDO mapping |
kCopPdoVarNotFound | 0x0079 | variable was not found in function PdoSignalVar() |
kCopPdoErrorEmcyPdoLen | 0x007A | the length of a received PDO is unequal to the expected value |
kCopPdoWriteConstObject | 0x007B | constant object can not be written |
kCopPdoErrorRxEventTimer | 0x007C | If an RPDO is configured with Event Timer, but PDO is not received after this time, CcmCbError() will be called with this error code. |
... |
File: ..?..\uptwin1\help\obdcm_01.htm
Author: W.Büscher, MKT Systemtechnik
Last modified: 2007-08-24 (ISO8601, YYYY-MM-DD)