To indicate the state of certain functions in the terminal, the following "system icons" have been implemented in terminals with 32-bit CPU (like ARM7). Devices with a firmware older than 2008 do not have the functions described below !
To activate the display of system icons, use the interpreter command sys.show_icons(<selector>,<x1>,<y1>). The parameters in this command are:
memory card "off"
memory card on, inserted, but
not writing
memory card active (writing
to disk)
memory card error (unsupported
format / file system ?)
Note: If the device is equipped with a touch screen, tapping the memory card symbol turns the card power on/off, so you can safely remove the card without shutting the terminal down.
CAN logger off (completely
CAN logger pre-trigger state
(waiting for trigger)
CAN logger triggered (writing
to buffer or disk)
CAN logger post-trigger state
(writing, or closing files)
Note: If the device is equipped with a touch screen, tapping the CAN logger symbol may take you to a special screen in the application, from where you can start/stop/trigger the logger. For this purpose, you can add an event handler in the display program which catches system icon events.
Sound recorder off (passive)
" recording wave-file
" playing wave-file
Note: If the device is equipped with a touch screen, tapping the audio recoder symbol opens a small control window for it.
Power "good" (input voltage sufficiently high, and capacitors in the UPS(*) charged)
Power "bad" (input voltage too low, or UPS capacitors not charged)
(*) UPS = Uninterruptable Power Supply, only available in MKT-View II since 09/2008 .